среда, 27 мая 2015 г.

Sansevieria - Asparagus genus of the family; includes about 66 species of evergreen perennials bessteblevyh from dry, rocky areas in tropical and subtropical Africa, Madagascar, India, Indonesia and South Floridy.Neprihotlivoe houseplant that the Soviet Union also called "pike tail", "Teschin language" and "Snakeskin" . Trifasciata Latin name means "three-band."Responds well to the summer is not too abundant watering (once a week), reduce watering in winter (up to 2-3 times a week). Transplant better in the spring, at this time should be propagated plants. During the growth period Fertilizer spend watering, using a liquid fertilizer for indoor plants, fertilization is carried out not more than once a month.
Growth conditions
Plants contain the winter at a temperature not lower than 14-16 degrees. Photophilous. Resistant to increased dryness of the air. Care common. Transplantation every 2-3 years. It is recommended to grow in a shallow bowl. It grows well on lit windows, and under a fairly strong Shadowed not very demanding on the temperature conditions (can grow in warm and cool place).
Propagated by dividing rhizomes and leaf cuttings mandatory podvyalivaniem slice the air. Long sheet is cut into pieces 5-6 cm long. and obliquely planted in the sand. A few weeks later the leaves take root and give small roots and new leaves.The ease of cultivation: Beginners
Lighting: Bright light
Humidity: Low
This hardy plant deserved its reputation as indestructible. It grows in the sun and in the shade, tolerate dry air, drafts, watering is rare, it does not need repotting. However, it does not tolerate waterlogging and soil for a long stay at about 0 degrees. Which can be grown without sunlight using LB lamp for 16 hours per day.

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