суббота, 23 мая 2015 г.

Anemone is a genus of about 120 species of flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae, native to the temperate zones. It is closely related to Pulsatilla, some botanists include both of these genera within Anemone.
The fruits are ovoid to obovoid shaped achenes that are collected together in a tight cluster, ending variously lengthened stalks; though many species have sessile clusters terminating the stems. The achenes are beaked and some species have feathery hairs attached to them.
Anemone are perennials that have basal leaves with long leaf-stems that can be upright or prostrate. Leaves are simple or compound with lobed, parted, or undivided leaf blades. The leaf margins are toothed or entire.
Flowers with 4–27 sepals are produced singly, in cymes of 2–9 flowers, or in umbels, above a cluster of leaf- or sepal-like bracts. Sepals may be any color. The pistils have one ovule. The flowers have nectaries, but petals are missing in the majority of species.

Many of the species are favorite garden plants, providing colour throughout the season from early Spring into Autumn. Numerous cultivars have been selected. In horticultural terms there are three main groups:

spring-flowering species found in woodland and alpine meadows, often tuberous or rhizomatous; e.g. A. nemorosa, A. blanda
spring- and summer-flowering species from hot dry areas, with tuberous roots, e.g. A. coronaria
summer- and autumn-flowering species with fibrous roots, which thrive in moist dappled shade; e.g. A. hupehensis

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