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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Kitchen. Показать все сообщения

четверг, 23 июня 2016 г.


This list is in the first place, not only because of its ruggedness, but also the ability of a good clean and humidify the air. So good that it is called an orderly and contain air even in the spacecraft where it is impossible to ventilate the space. Therefore, if you have a plastic kitchen furniture, such as chipboard, and a gas stove, it is advisable to get it to them, and one flower for the kitchen will be enough. In addition, during the flowering period Chlorophytum grow small and delicate white flowers.

пятница, 5 июня 2015 г.

Aspidistra - "friendly family"

The genus Aspidistra (Aspidistra) include 8 species of herbaceous ornamental deciduous plants lily family. Some sources indicate the family Landysheva (Conva-llariaceae). Homeland of this evergreen is East Asia. Aspidistra naturally grows in cool, heavily shaded forest.
The name is translated into Russian as "pointer snakes» («aspidis» - a snake, «tra» - Pointer). The shaded cool areas often live snakes and gray curved rhizome verdure too resembles a snake. People Razvan plants "friendly family".
Aspidistra has no stem. is flexible, dense, short. Because of the dense, half hidden underground rhizomes grow vertically dark green glossy leaves.
As a houseplant grow only one species - high Aspidistra (Aspidistra elatior Variegata). It has a decorative form aspidistra leaves with white or creamy yellow longitudinal stripes.
It blooms very rarely (usually in summer), and only one day. The flowers are sitting right on the rhizome, a special attraction are no different. After artificial pollination of flowers tied fairly large fruit with one seed inside.
Decorative value of carnations in her unpretentiousness and the Shade. This indoor plant is perfect for northern rooms for dressing rooms with a lack of natural light, for landscaping offices with artificial light. Aspidistra does not suffer from an excess or a lack of moisture, it does not need to feed. Therefore, this plant can advise beginner gardeners and all those who have no time to care rasteniyami.echebnye properties aspidistra:
Aspidistra has healing properties and at home is widely used in folk medicine. Aspidistra is a diuretic and anti-inflammatory action. The drugs include all parts of the plant. These broths are used in convulsions, gastro-intestinal diseases, diarrhea, pain in the muscles and stones in the urinary system.
Care aspidistra
Lighting. Aspidistra can grow in the back of the room away from the windows - it's unpretentious, shade tolerance, suitable for landscaping spaces north. A little more light requires a motley variety.
In the summer of "friendly family" feels great on the balcony or terrace.
Temperature. aspidistra can be grown under normal ambient conditions, it does not require the creation of a special temperature regime. In winter, the ideal temperature 10-12 ° C, but grows well at 20 ° C.
Watering. Do not allow drying earthen coma. However, the excess water in the pot is not desirable.
Humidity. Under normal circumstances, apartments aspidistra feels fine, but the dust from the leaves must be washed off.
Fertilizing. In the spring and summer of aspidistra fed complete mineral fertilizer is not more than 1 time per month. Variegated plants are virtually fertilize - too abundant food causes greening variegated leaves.
Transplantation. It grows slowly, in the year grows only about five leaves. The plant is transplanted not often when the entire ball is enmeshed roots better in April and May. In adult plants annually replace only the top layer of the earth. The rhizome should not completely fill with soil. For transplanted plants require large containers.
Soil. Aspidistra is not demanding on the soil composition. It grows well in normal garden soil or a vegetable garden.
Reproduction. Reproduction verdure is not working, are propagated by dividing the roots during transplanting. In April and May the rhizomes are cut into pieces with 3-5 leaflets, cuts sprinkled with powdered charcoal. Individual parts are planted in pots. The soil temperature at rooting should not be below 18 ° C.
Pests. Most often damaged aspidistra scale insects and spider mites. If a strong infection of the treated plants or karbofosom fufanonom.
With the defeat of spider mites carnations on the reverse side appears silvery leaves, very thin cobweb, leaves turn brown and dry up gradually. It is necessary to regularly moisten the air and spray the plant with lukewarm water. With strong infection process aktellik.

Zamioculcas - care at home
Homeland: East Africa, Madagascar
The family Araceae.

Grown as an ornamental foliage plant with large, glossy, dark green leaves and shoots. Green foliage throughout the year. In room culture grows up to 0.8m, the life expectancy of 5 - 10 let.V process of evolution, to survive in the arid climate, has formed a large underground tuber, which has a supply of water. Flower, like all Araceae, has the shape of the cob. In room culture is difficult to achieve flowering. All parts of the plant are toxic.


Optimal lighting: bright ambient light - partial shade. Lighting after 10-00 in the spring and summer, in direct sunlight will result in burns ground parts of the plant. Zamioculcas can grow in the shade, but its development is much slower. To leaves retain their position and shape of the plants will not be affected Zamioculcas from time to time should be rotated around the axis.

The temperature and humidity.

Zamioculcas is highly resistant to hot dry weather. Optimum temperature:

21-290S summer;
winter 15-180S.
In the winter, lowering the temperature of the plant is better tolerated by dry content (without irrigation). Summer useful to keep him on the street. Spraying for Zamioculcas not required. 1 is useful once a month to do the plant warm shower to wash away the dust.


The frequency of watering - with a slight soft drying earthen coma. If in doubt - do not water more per day. Excessive watering leads to the yellowing of leaves, root rot and death of the plant. In autumn and winter watering Zamioculcas with the frequency of watering - with strong soft drying earthen coma. For irrigation use warm water.


It must be well-drained, not too heavy soil. The optimum acidity - pH 6.0.

The composition of the soil mixture: turf ground + 1 part ground sheet + 1 part peat, 1 part sand + 1 part sphagnum + 0.3 parts. You can use any part of the soil, which is used in the preparation of Peat mixture for cactus. Before applying the mixture must be sterilized.


During the growing season the frequency of feedings - 1 time in two weeks, alternating with organic fertilizer. The concentration of fertilizer (for feeding) 50% of the concentration of fertilizer recommended for indoor plants.

Once a month, it is desirable to foliar fertilizer: urea solution sprayed leaves or complex fertilizer containing trace elements in a concentration of 1 g / l. (See. Section foliar application).

Zamioculcas - transplant.

The best time for grafting - spring. Transplanting is carried out once every three - four years. When selecting the size of the pot, note that Zamioculcas plant of slow growth in the year formed 2-3 leaves, therefore, the size of the pot when transplanting choose not much more than the previous (10-15%).

After dredging plant from the pot, clean the roots of the plants from the ground. Cut the roots that are soft or have bad smell. Planting depth in the new pot should be at the previous year. The pot is required to be a hole for draining excess water. After the transplant, plant put in a penumbra.

The most frequently asked question - "yellow Zamioculcas ?!"

Possible causes:

Excessive watering plants. Between waterings soil in the pot should be dry. The problem is particularly acute in winter, when the plant reduces water consumption.
If your plant is directly exposed to sunlight for more than 6 hours per day, the leaves may be burned, and as a result turn yellow. In May - August from 11-00 to 15-00 is necessary pritenenie plants from direct sunlight.
Zamioculcas - slow growing plant (in the room culture). If you try to "accelerate" the growth of plants by means of feeding excess fertilizer, the roots are killed first, then the leaves turn yellow. Final - the plant dies.
The disease of the root system.
Zamioculcas - reproduction.

Zamioculcas is easily propagated vegetatively. Remember - all parts of the plant are poisonous!

1st method of reproduction - division of tubers (rhizomes). When transplanting the bush is divided into several parts. Delёnki planted in pots. The selected pot should match the size of delёnki (ie 2-4cm longer planted rhizomes) and not be deep. Soil mixture used for adult plants. Further care, both for an adult plant.

Life form 
Herbaceous, succulent

Agave - Agavaceae

Kenya, Madagascar, Namibia, Angola

Ease of cultivation
One of the easiest to grow and resistant plants, suitable for beginners

Usually from 30 cm to 1.2 m

The intensity of growth
Approximately 2 or 3 leaves per year


It prefers temperatures in winter and summer 16-24 ° C. In winter, when the plant is watered, can withstand a minimum temperature of + 10 ° C and a short-term reduction of even 5 ° C.

Easy to carry dry atmosphere

Plants with variegated leaves prefer bright diffused light, only in bright light may abundant flowering. Sansevieria easily tolerate direct sun, at the same time, the types of green leaves can survive pritenenie
For a mixture of self-cooking should be taken: 1 part sod land, 1 part leaf earth, 2 parts coarse sand. Required drainage of at least a third of the pot.

The top layer of soil between waterings should dry out in the summer in great depth. 1 watered every 7-14 days, winter 1 every 3-4 weeks. The plant is harmful excessive watering, especially the entry of water into the center of the outlet.

During the summer of growth 1 time per month to feed liquid fertilizer for cacti.

Propagated by dividing rhizomes, otsazhivaya side shoots. That's how you can keep the yellow leaves from the edges. The plant is easily propagated parts of the sheet length of 5-8 cm, which are slightly dried and planted upright in the sand. In this case the young plants will be completely green. You can try to keep the edges, if you make a wedge-shaped incision at the base of the sheet so as to come into contact with sand and roots gave only the side portions of the sheet (with rim).

It blooms throughout the year, but more often in the summer of fragrant star-shaped flowers on long stalk

Every 2-4 years in March - April, when the roots fill the entire pot and begin to act from the top. The plant prefers to close the pots, they should be wide and low, as shallow root system

Features of Care
It is advisable to regularly wipe the leaves.

Affected spider mites, mealybugs, thrips. With an excess of moisture leaves wilt, turn yellow and rot at the bottom and die. Dark spots on the leaves arise from the lack of light and the yellow and brown spots can appear as a result of fungal infections or excessive watering. Leaves become pale from lack of light. The leaves are sometimes distorted by the action of mealy bugs. The edges of the leaves can be damaged when exposed to cold air from the window.

Clearing the air
Introduced by NASA in the list of plants, effectively absorb nitrogen oxide and formaldehyde.

среда, 27 мая 2015 г.

Sansevieria - Asparagus genus of the family; includes about 66 species of evergreen perennials bessteblevyh from dry, rocky areas in tropical and subtropical Africa, Madagascar, India, Indonesia and South Floridy.Neprihotlivoe houseplant that the Soviet Union also called "pike tail", "Teschin language" and "Snakeskin" . Trifasciata Latin name means "three-band."Responds well to the summer is not too abundant watering (once a week), reduce watering in winter (up to 2-3 times a week). Transplant better in the spring, at this time should be propagated plants. During the growth period Fertilizer spend watering, using a liquid fertilizer for indoor plants, fertilization is carried out not more than once a month.
Growth conditions
Plants contain the winter at a temperature not lower than 14-16 degrees. Photophilous. Resistant to increased dryness of the air. Care common. Transplantation every 2-3 years. It is recommended to grow in a shallow bowl. It grows well on lit windows, and under a fairly strong Shadowed not very demanding on the temperature conditions (can grow in warm and cool place).
Propagated by dividing rhizomes and leaf cuttings mandatory podvyalivaniem slice the air. Long sheet is cut into pieces 5-6 cm long. and obliquely planted in the sand. A few weeks later the leaves take root and give small roots and new leaves.The ease of cultivation: Beginners
Lighting: Bright light
Humidity: Low
This hardy plant deserved its reputation as indestructible. It grows in the sun and in the shade, tolerate dry air, drafts, watering is rare, it does not need repotting. However, it does not tolerate waterlogging and soil for a long stay at about 0 degrees. Which can be grown without sunlight using LB lamp for 16 hours per day.