пятница, 5 июня 2015 г.

Life form 
Herbaceous, succulent

Agave - Agavaceae

Kenya, Madagascar, Namibia, Angola

Ease of cultivation
One of the easiest to grow and resistant plants, suitable for beginners

Usually from 30 cm to 1.2 m

The intensity of growth
Approximately 2 or 3 leaves per year


It prefers temperatures in winter and summer 16-24 ° C. In winter, when the plant is watered, can withstand a minimum temperature of + 10 ° C and a short-term reduction of even 5 ° C.

Easy to carry dry atmosphere

Plants with variegated leaves prefer bright diffused light, only in bright light may abundant flowering. Sansevieria easily tolerate direct sun, at the same time, the types of green leaves can survive pritenenie
For a mixture of self-cooking should be taken: 1 part sod land, 1 part leaf earth, 2 parts coarse sand. Required drainage of at least a third of the pot.

The top layer of soil between waterings should dry out in the summer in great depth. 1 watered every 7-14 days, winter 1 every 3-4 weeks. The plant is harmful excessive watering, especially the entry of water into the center of the outlet.

During the summer of growth 1 time per month to feed liquid fertilizer for cacti.

Propagated by dividing rhizomes, otsazhivaya side shoots. That's how you can keep the yellow leaves from the edges. The plant is easily propagated parts of the sheet length of 5-8 cm, which are slightly dried and planted upright in the sand. In this case the young plants will be completely green. You can try to keep the edges, if you make a wedge-shaped incision at the base of the sheet so as to come into contact with sand and roots gave only the side portions of the sheet (with rim).

It blooms throughout the year, but more often in the summer of fragrant star-shaped flowers on long stalk

Every 2-4 years in March - April, when the roots fill the entire pot and begin to act from the top. The plant prefers to close the pots, they should be wide and low, as shallow root system

Features of Care
It is advisable to regularly wipe the leaves.

Affected spider mites, mealybugs, thrips. With an excess of moisture leaves wilt, turn yellow and rot at the bottom and die. Dark spots on the leaves arise from the lack of light and the yellow and brown spots can appear as a result of fungal infections or excessive watering. Leaves become pale from lack of light. The leaves are sometimes distorted by the action of mealy bugs. The edges of the leaves can be damaged when exposed to cold air from the window.

Clearing the air
Introduced by NASA in the list of plants, effectively absorb nitrogen oxide and formaldehyde.


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