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суббота, 23 мая 2015 г.

It is a herbaceous perennial plant growing to 80 cm tall. The leaves are glaucous greyish green to blue-green, slender, up to 15 cm long. The flowers are produced singly or up to five together in a cyme; they are 3–5 cm diameter, and sweetly scented; the original natural flower colour is bright pinkish-purple, but cultivars of other colours, including red, white, yellow and green, have been developed.

Some fragrance-less carnation cultivars are often used as boutonnieres for men.
For the most part, carnations express love, fascination, and distinction, though there are many variations dependent on colour.

Along with the red rose, the red carnation can be used as a symbol of socialism and the labour movement, and historically has often been used in demonstrations on International Workers' Day (May Day).
In Portugal, bright red carnations represent the 1974 coup d'etat started by the military to end the fascist regime ongoing since 1926.
Light red carnations represent admiration, while dark red denote deep love and affection.
White carnations represent pure love and good luck, while striped (variegated) carnations symbolise regret that a love cannot be shared.

Growing carnations
Carnations require well-drained, neutral to slightly alkaline soil, and full sun. Numerous cultivars have been selected for garden planting.
Colombia is the largest carnation producer in the world.

Anemone is a genus of about 120 species of flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae, native to the temperate zones. It is closely related to Pulsatilla, some botanists include both of these genera within Anemone.
The fruits are ovoid to obovoid shaped achenes that are collected together in a tight cluster, ending variously lengthened stalks; though many species have sessile clusters terminating the stems. The achenes are beaked and some species have feathery hairs attached to them.
Anemone are perennials that have basal leaves with long leaf-stems that can be upright or prostrate. Leaves are simple or compound with lobed, parted, or undivided leaf blades. The leaf margins are toothed or entire.
Flowers with 4–27 sepals are produced singly, in cymes of 2–9 flowers, or in umbels, above a cluster of leaf- or sepal-like bracts. Sepals may be any color. The pistils have one ovule. The flowers have nectaries, but petals are missing in the majority of species.

Many of the species are favorite garden plants, providing colour throughout the season from early Spring into Autumn. Numerous cultivars have been selected. In horticultural terms there are three main groups:

spring-flowering species found in woodland and alpine meadows, often tuberous or rhizomatous; e.g. A. nemorosa, A. blanda
spring- and summer-flowering species from hot dry areas, with tuberous roots, e.g. A. coronaria
summer- and autumn-flowering species with fibrous roots, which thrive in moist dappled shade; e.g. A. hupehensis

Commonly called the Peruvian lily or lily of the Incas, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Alstroemeriaceae. They are all native to South America although some have become naturalized in the United States, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Madeira and the Canary Islands.Almost all of the species are restricted to one of two distinct centers of diversity, one in central Chile, the other in eastern Brazil.

The flowers are solitary or borne in umbels. The flower has six tepals each up to 5 centimeters long. They come in many shades of red, orange, purple, green, and white, flecked and striped and streaked with darker colors. There are six curving stamens.Plants of this genus grow from a cluster of tubers. They send up fertile and sterile stems, the fertile stems of some species reaching 1.5 meters in height. The leaves are alternately arranged and resupinate, twisted on the petioles so that the undersides face up. The leaves are variable in shape and the blades have smooth edges. The stigma has three lobes. The fruit is a capsule with three valves. Alstroemeria are classified as an inferior monocot, meaning the petals are located above the ovary, and the leaves are parallel.

Species of Alstroemeria from Chile are winter-growing plants while those of Brazil are summer-growing. All are long-lived perennials except A. graminea, a diminutive annual from the Atacama Desert of Chile.Alstroemeria pelegrina
Most cultivars available for the home garden will bloom in the late spring and early summer. The roots are hardy to a temperature of 23 °F (−5 °C). The plant requires at least six hours of morning sunlight, regular water, and well-drained soil. The genus was named after the Swedish baron Clas Alströmer (1736 – 1794) by his close friend Carolus Linnaeus.Many hybrids and at least 190 cultivars have been developed, featuring many different markings and colors, including white, yellow, orange, apricot, pink, red, purple, and lavender. The most popular and showy hybrids commonly grown today result from crosses between species from Chile (winter-growing) with species from Brazil (summer-growing). This strategy has overcome the florists' problem of seasonal dormancy and resulted in plants that are evergreen, or nearly so, and flower for most of the year. This breeding work derives mainly from trials that began in the United States in the 1980s. The flower, which resembles a miniature lily, is very popular for bouquets and flower arrangements in the commercial cut flower trade.

No garden is complete without flowers, with garden flowers, usually occupy the place of honor in front of the window, or home, or somewhere in a secluded corner of the garden where the owners are accustomed to rest. And there is nothing strange, contemplating the beauty of flowers and their color calms, soothes and brings joy not only to you but also to others. Our mobile site garden flowers will help you grow flowers on your suburban areas. Adaptive Website template allows you to view its pages with any device, be it a desktop computer, tablet, iPad, iFon or small phone, so our site is always with you in your purse or pocket, and in a couple of clicks you will always know the name of a flower, see it photos and find the information you need.

Garden flowers basic rules
Watering the garden flowers necessary agro-technical measures, without which it is impossible to grow beautiful flowers, and especially if they are grown in pots or other pots with limited capacity. We must remember that watering is best done in the evening or in cloudy weather, in this case, less moisture evaporates from the soil surface and deeper into the roots of plants. It is better to irrigate garden flowers is rare, but abundant, than every day and gradually. What you can not do, it's watered garden plants with cold water, for example from the well. Water is necessary to settle and warm during the day, it is not difficult to dissolve in water, fertilizers, such as humic acid fertilizers, and only in the evening, and then profusely watered garden flowers will thank you for your concern juicy green leaves and bright colors inflorescences.

Tedious weeding and loosening your favorite garden flowers necessary measures otherwise not obtain a favorable water-air soil conditions for the normal development of the root system of plants. To conduct this work better than a good day in the sunshine, then damaged the roots of weeds will dry up quickly under the influence of the sun and wind. It often happens that in the long-term plantings of garden flowers appear and perennial weeds, the roots of which are so intertwined with the crop plants that pull them possible, then use chemical weeding, weeds treated leaves brush, a solution of the herbicide, such as Roundup and after 7 to 10 days long weed dies.

To your garden pets feel good in the flower garden you must provide them with a sufficient amount of nutrients. The main types of are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. There are two kinds of fertilizer application preplant or pre-sowing and fertilizing the introduction. In the first case it is necessary to be sure to use organic fertilizers, that structure the soil and create a favorable water-air balance in the development of a good root system. As an organic material is used: rotted manure, garden soil from the compost heap, peat and other materials at hand. When seedbed and fertilizers are made in such an amount that they have enough for at least a year. Feeding used as necessary in the apparent lack of fertilizers in the soil, with dressing divided into root and foliar, and they made no earlier than one month after planting, when the garden flowers fully take root. Feeding shall normally complete mineral fertilizer in liquid form, combining them with the watering.

Another helpful strategies for growing garden flowers is mulch, it makes it possible to minimize the amount of tillage, keep the soil moist and warm condition, reduces the number of waterings and gives additional power plants due to the decomposition of organic mulch. As the mulch under the flower garden, you can use a variety of available materials, such as wood chips, grinded bark, peat, last year's leaves, and grinded freshly cut grass.

Tit Pests molest your garden flowers is not to blame for what nature has given them such a mission, they also want to live and to play the role allotted to them, and their great role in the creation of fodder base for birds and animals surrounding you on all sides, although many this and do not notice. Using chemical pesticides, we impoverish the world around us nature and unwittingly make it grayer, so they should be used only in extreme cases, the mass reproduction of insects, with use of chemical means of protection must be strictly in accordance with the recommendations and the process only breeding ground for insects, rather than the whole territory indiscriminately. In many cases, vegetable garden flowers resistant to pests and diseases, and often themselves deter insect pests due to the presence of volatile production in them, these properties have long been used and are noticed by people as people plant protection products. And the presence of birds in the county, such as normal tits create biological protection of your garden flowers and vegetable crops, as tit during feeding offspring consume an incredible amount of insects, which we often call pest control.

The world of flowers is so varied that everyone will choose a plant to taste and according to the characteristics of your garden plot. All kinds of herbaceous plants are divided into annual, biennial and perennial, is no exception and garden flowers, just need to know that such a unit in floriculture quite conditional and some garden flowers in a harsh climate conditions can be used as annuals, but warmer, as a perennial. A typical example of garden chrysanthemum flowers or Osteospermum, natives of northern Africa is well settled down in central Russia, but are grown primarily as annual flowers, although most species of perennial flowers.