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четверг, 23 июня 2016 г.

The most unpretentious flower garden

Beautiful and well-kept garden requires considerable labor and time. Many recognize that a change of activity is beneficial, but most of us come out of the city to just relax surrounded by family and friends. Beautiful flower gardens in this case - it's just a nice addition to the holiday. Therefore, we choose unpretentious flowers for the garden, to grow that do not require significant efforts. But this does not mean that hardy plants less attractive or bloom is not as abundant. Among the lowly cultures can choose the ones that will serve as a real decoration of the garden, and will not demand greater attention.
How to elevate your garden? Plants that do not require special care, very much. First of all we shall understand which ones we need. So, to the garden makes a good impression, you need to decide on priority measures for its beautification.
To achieve the desired effect can be using: hedges. Ornamental shrubs can be divided land into separate areas. For this purpose, better to choose plants that can be a long time without shearing. It is important that the climatic conditions in your area correspond to those to which the shrub used. Lawn special form. Common grass lawn requires care especially at first, when the weeds are still trying to win your living space. Much easier to use or Moorish lawn with the inclusion of white clover. This garden decoration does not need frequent mowing and looks great. Vertical gardening. Many rashly allowed on their plots hops. It really undemanding plant that is able to braid large enough space in the short term. But the spread of hops is very difficult to control. This plant-aggressor can bring more harm than good. If any vertical surface in need of landscaping, then for this purpose is better to use a girl's grapes. Tsvetnikov. Flower-beds, ridges, mixborders and other types of flower beds adorn any garden. To bed blooming as long as possible, necessary undemanding perennials, which form the basis of a flower bed. Annuals Seed type allow every year to give flower garden a new and fresh look. For the most impatient fans flowers primroses must be provided, including a truly whimsical plants are not so much. Pleasant garden variety in flora make all flowering shrubs. They can be decorated and beds. Drop them as single plants, and smaller groups.

среда, 27 мая 2015 г.

Colchicum  is a genus of perennial flowering plants containing around 160 species which grow from bulb-like corms. Colchicum melanthioides is probably the best known species from the tropical regions. In contrast to most temperate colchicums the flower and leaves are produced at the same time, the white flowers are usually a small corymb which is enclosed by white bracts. Close relatives (such as Colchicum scabromarginatum and Colchicum coloratum) have flowers with very short stalks and might be pollinated by rodents.It is a member of the botanical family Colchicaceae, and is native to West Asia, Europe, parts of the Mediterranean coast, down the East African coast to South Africa and the Western Cape.The common names "autumn crocus", "meadow saffron" and "naked lady" may be applied to the whole genus or to many of its species; they refer to the "naked" crocus-like flowers which appear in late summer or autumn, long before the strap-like foliage which appears in spring. In this genus the ovary of the flower is underground. As a consequence, the styles are extremely long in proportion, often more than 10 cm (4 in).Its leaves, corm and seeds are poisonous. Murderess Catherine Wilson is thought to have used it to poison a number of victims in the 19th century.
The plant contains the alkaloid colchicine which is used pharmaceutically to treat gout and Familial Mediterranean fever. The use of the roots and seeds in traditional medicine is thought to have arisen due to the presence of this drug.
Botanical tulips

Oct. Still not too late to plant tulips. And not bother the next 5 years lyukovits digging, plant popular now, in Europe botanical tulips.
All wild species of tulips and they descended from varieties that have preserved the most vivid signs of wild forms - nozkoroslost and early flowering - called botanical tulips. If you meet the inscription "Kaufman Tulip" or Foster or Greig on a beautiful picture with tulip bulbs - know that this is the botanical tulips. They also include the same tulip Lipsky with a tiny head drooping, tulip Turkestan as an unbuttoned white star with six rays and yellow stamens in the center. There tulip urumiysky, rock, tulip Tarda, Hager, tulip Klyuziana.

Botanical tulips are perfect for rockeries and alpine gardens. They are disclosed in early spring towards the sun, rastsvechivaya ground. Naturally, the best place for them to fit - it slopes facing south and south west. The soil there is quickly warming up, and this is exactly what these kids need for an early flowering.
These tulips are often very beautiful foliage in beautiful strips of different colors. This means that the area in which the planted botanical tulips, is decorative for a longer period of time.
His first botanical tulips I planted a long time ago. Opportunities to buy a lot of the bulbs once was, and wanted to see more varieties. That sadila 2-3 bulbs, not more. But as time passed, they grew slowly and did not look so lonely.
Botanical tulips are good is the fact that they do not need to dig up every summer. In addition to this wonderful property and they are very resistant to disease. Gradually expanding, several bulblets form this kutrtinku.


Oct. Still not too late to plant tulips. And not bother the next 5 years lyukovits digging, plant popular now, in Europe botanical tulips.
All wild species of tulips and they descended from varieties that have preserved the most vivid signs of wild forms - nozkoroslost and early flowering - called botanical tulips. If you meet the inscription "Kaufman Tulip" or Foster or Greig on a beautiful picture with tulip bulbs - know that this is the botanical tulips. They also include the same tulip Lipsky with a tiny head drooping, tulip Turkestan as an unbuttoned white star with six rays and yellow stamens in the center. There tulip urumiysky, rock, tulip Tarda, Hager, tulip Klyuziana.His first botanical tulips I planted a long time ago. Opportunities to buy a lot of the bulbs once was, and wanted to see more varieties. That sadila 2-3 bulbs, not more. But as time passed, they grew slowly and did not look so lonely.Botanical tulips are good is the fact that they do not need to dig up every summer. In addition to this wonderful property and they are very resistant to disease. Gradually expanding, several bulblets form this kutrtinku.These tulips are often very beautiful foliage in beautiful strips of different colors. This means that the area in which the planted botanical tulips, is decorative for a longer period of time.Botanical tulips are perfect for rockeries and alpine gardens. They are disclosed in early spring towards the sun, rastsvechivaya ground. Naturally, the best place for them to fit - it slopes facing south and south west. The soil there is quickly warming up, and this is exactly what these kids need for an early flowering


суббота, 23 мая 2015 г.

Viola is a genus of flowering plants in the violet family Violaceae. It is the largest genus in the family, containing between 525 and 600 species. Most species are found in the temperate Northern Hemisphere, however some are also found in widely divergent areas such as Hawaii, Australasia, and the Andes.In horticulture the term "pansy" is normally used for those multi-coloured, large-flowered cultivars which are raised annually or biennially from seed and used extensively in bedding. The terms "viola" and "violet" are normally reserved for small-flowered annuals or perennials, including the species. Some Viola species are perennial plants, some are annual plants, and a few are small shrubs. A large number of species, varieties and cultivars are grown in gardens for their ornamental flowers. One quirk of some Viola is the elusive scent of their flowers; along with terpenes, a major component of the scent is a ketone compound called ionone, which temporarily desensitises the receptors of the nose, thus preventing any further scent being detected from the flower until the nerves recover. Flower colours vary in the genus, ranging from violet, through various shades of blue, yellow, white, and cream, whilst some types are bicolored, often blue and yellow. Flowering is often profuse, and may last for much of the spring and summer. After flowering, fruit capsules are produced that split open by way of three valves. On drying, the capsules may eject seeds with considerable force to distances of several meters. The nutlike seeds have straight embryos, flat cotyledons, and soft fleshy endosperm that is oily. The seeds of some species have elaiosomes and are dispersed by ants.Viola are most often spring blooming with chasmogamous flowers with well-developed petals pollinated by insects. Many species also produce self-pollinated cleistogamous flowers in summer and autumn that do not open and lack petals. In some species the showy chasmogamous flowers are infertile. Viola typically have heart-shaped, scalloped leaves, though a number have palmate leaves or other shapes. The vast majority of Viola species are herbaceous, and a substantial number are acaulescent in habit - meaning they lack any noticeable stems and the foliage and flowers appear to rise from the ground; the remaining species have short stems with foliage and flowers produced in the axils of the leaves. The simple leaves of plants with either habit are arranged alternately; the acaulescent species produce basal rosettes. Plants always have leaves with stipules that are often leaf-like. Viola cultivar showing the large round flowers and the novel coloration that has been achieved through breeding. The flowers of the vast majority of the species are zygomorphic with bilateral symmetry. The flowers are formed from five petals; four are upswept or fan-shaped petals with two per side, and there is one broad, lobed lower petal pointing downward. The shape of the petals and placement defines many species, for example, some species have a "spur" on the end of each petal while most have a spur on the lower petal. Solitary flowers end long stalks with a pair of bracteoles. The flowers have 5 sepals that persist after blooming, and in some species the sepals enlarge after blooming. The flowers have five free stamens with short filaments that are oppressed against the ovary, only the lower two stamens have nectary spurs that are inserted on the lowest petal into the spur or a pouch. The flower styles are thickened near the top and the stigmas are head-like, narrowed or often beaked. The flowers have a superior ovary with one cell, which has three placentae, containing many ovules.