Aspidistra - "friendly family"
The genus Aspidistra (Aspidistra) include 8 species of herbaceous ornamental deciduous plants lily family. Some sources indicate the family Landysheva (Conva-llariaceae). Homeland of this evergreen is East Asia. Aspidistra naturally grows in cool, heavily shaded forest.
The name is translated into Russian as "pointer snakes» («aspidis» - a snake, «tra» - Pointer). The shaded cool areas often live snakes and gray curved rhizome verdure too resembles a snake. People Razvan plants "friendly family".
Aspidistra has no stem. is flexible, dense, short. Because of the dense, half hidden underground rhizomes grow vertically dark green glossy leaves.
As a houseplant grow only one species - high Aspidistra (Aspidistra elatior Variegata). It has a decorative form aspidistra leaves with white or creamy yellow longitudinal stripes.
It blooms very rarely (usually in summer), and only one day. The flowers are sitting right on the rhizome, a special attraction are no different. After artificial pollination of flowers tied fairly large fruit with one seed inside.
Decorative value of carnations in her unpretentiousness and the Shade. This indoor plant is perfect for northern rooms for dressing rooms with a lack of natural light, for landscaping offices with artificial light. Aspidistra does not suffer from an excess or a lack of moisture, it does not need to feed. Therefore, this plant can advise beginner gardeners and all those who have no time to care rasteniyami.echebnye properties aspidistra:
Aspidistra has healing properties and at home is widely used in folk medicine. Aspidistra is a diuretic and anti-inflammatory action. The drugs include all parts of the plant. These broths are used in convulsions, gastro-intestinal diseases, diarrhea, pain in the muscles and stones in the urinary system.
Care aspidistra
Lighting. Aspidistra can grow in the back of the room away from the windows - it's unpretentious, shade tolerance, suitable for landscaping spaces north. A little more light requires a motley variety.
In the summer of "friendly family" feels great on the balcony or terrace.
Temperature. aspidistra can be grown under normal ambient conditions, it does not require the creation of a special temperature regime. In winter, the ideal temperature 10-12 ° C, but grows well at 20 ° C.
Watering. Do not allow drying earthen coma. However, the excess water in the pot is not desirable.
Humidity. Under normal circumstances, apartments aspidistra feels fine, but the dust from the leaves must be washed off.
Fertilizing. In the spring and summer of aspidistra fed complete mineral fertilizer is not more than 1 time per month. Variegated plants are virtually fertilize - too abundant food causes greening variegated leaves.
Transplantation. It grows slowly, in the year grows only about five leaves. The plant is transplanted not often when the entire ball is enmeshed roots better in April and May. In adult plants annually replace only the top layer of the earth. The rhizome should not completely fill with soil. For transplanted plants require large containers.
Soil. Aspidistra is not demanding on the soil composition. It grows well in normal garden soil or a vegetable garden.
Reproduction. Reproduction verdure is not working, are propagated by dividing the roots during transplanting. In April and May the rhizomes are cut into pieces with 3-5 leaflets, cuts sprinkled with powdered charcoal. Individual parts are planted in pots. The soil temperature at rooting should not be below 18 ° C.
Pests. Most often damaged aspidistra scale insects and spider mites. If a strong infection of the treated plants or karbofosom fufanonom.
With the defeat of spider mites carnations on the reverse side appears silvery leaves, very thin cobweb, leaves turn brown and dry up gradually. It is necessary to regularly moisten the air and spray the plant with lukewarm water. With strong infection process aktellik.