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четверг, 23 июня 2016 г.


This flower absorbs from the air pollutants that get into our apartment through the windows. Spathiphyllum leads to normal and extreme variations suitable for anyone, it can be put in any room, but we recommend to put it in the bedroom - for a relaxing and healthy sleep.

пятница, 5 июня 2015 г.

However, with the passage of time, humanity has lost interest in this remarkable plant. Today we can safely say geranium that she again finds its former success and demand.

Meanwhile, you need to be watered flower regularly and abundantly. Remember, geranium can not stand if a flowerpot stagnant water, so you just need to keep the ground moist, as well as to ensure good drainage.

Geranium: fertilizing and fertilizers

It is important to know that geraniums can not tolerate fresh manure! In principle, flower during the flowering and growth requires a standard fertilization. You can use a fertilizer for flowering plants, about twice a month.

The optimum temperature for the flower is considered normal room temperature. In the cold season, the most appropriate temperature for the flower from +10 to -15 degrees, so it is best to place the plant on a windowsill or in one of the coolest areas.

As for the lighting, the principle is: the more light the better. You can even allow some direct sunlight. As a result of the lack of light, the flower will have small leaves and will give you abundant flowering.

This is not surprising because this flower is one of those plants that can boast many advantages. Geraniums can be viewed in two variations: as a houseplant, and as a garden flower. A large number of species and varieties of plants are able to satisfy every taste.

The exception may be some cases if, for example, the roots of the plants have grown, and place in the pot was not enough or inadvertently filled with water plant.

Whether it's planting or transplanting remember that the flower does not accept large pots, but good drainage is very handy. The plant is quite suitable for the transplant ordinary garden soil or a universal zemlesmes. Particularly favorable conditions for the plants considered this recipe: eight pieces of sod land, two parts compost and one part sand.

At any flower arrangement she successfully take its place. Geranium has great potential medicinal properties. It should be noted that this plant terrifies many indoor pests. If you put a flower on the windowsill to other colors, protection from aphids is guaranteed.

Begonia - one of the most beautiful plants that decorate our gardens, parks, gardens, and just flat. This flower belongs to the great family Begoniaceae. Today the race has about 900 full and 2,000 hybrid species. The first begonia was described back in 1690 by Michel begonias, and use it for decorative purposes only began 200 years ago.

From the history

The story began with the begonias Antilles, where Michel Begon first described it. Subsequently, this flower was named in his honor. Decades later described begonia blossom forever a native of Brazil, even later - the royal begonia with the Indian subcontinent and tuberous subspecies from South America. It was from the beginning they have all the modern variety. Following widespread use of this flower for decorative purposes, begonia became incredibly popular: it was only once hothouse flower, and then there are those who are resistant climate surprises.

Today, throughout the world there are a huge number of hybrids and cultivars of cultural begonias.

All types begonias divided into groups in accordance with decorative features:

Decorative flowering;
Locus of begonias can be called the tropics and subtropics. They prefer shady and moist places, but are also found on the steep shores of the sea at an altitude of 4000 meters, found in the mountains and on the arid slopes.

The variety of forms and types of begonias

Begonia is diverse not only in form but also in size and coloring. It may be, as the herb, whose length is 3 cm, and can be quite large shrubs. Begonias are stemless, are - with only one leaf. Sami leaves are painted in any shade of green, or the reverse side of the sheet monochrome or covered with colored spots and patterns. Begonia flowers themselves have a wide selection of colors, mostly warm palette.

Begonias - this house plants that can blossom not only in summer but also in winter. Decorative flowering species are plants with large bright flowers and ornamental deciduous leaves have a beautiful rich, but the flowers have less attractive. Sami leaves covered with bright hairs.


For begonias it is very important that the light was bright. Particularly acute in need flowering specimens. In the summer pritenyat best begonia from direct light, because otherwise you may experience sunburn. Begonia decorative foliage suitable diffused light is best to place them on the eastern and western windows.

Temperature conditions

The most optimal temperature for the flowers - 21-23 degrees in the summer, and in winter not lower than 15-18.

By ground for begonias no special requirements there. It can be purchased at specialty store, and you can easily do yourself. If you decide to prepare the soil on their own, you will need: pot half filled with ground sheet, and then add the mixture of peat, humus in equal proportions. Do not forget to put a little sand on the bottom of a conventional pot. If you properly prepare the ground for begonias, she will long to please you with its strong growth.

Repot this plant should be necessary for Mary. Time passes with the previous transplant, and now grown roots can not fit in the old pot. That is why the plant should be placed in a spacious pot. It is best to transplant in the early spring. The plant should be careful to get out of the pot and the roots cleaned of the old peat. After that, it is best to put the plant into the water with potassium permanganate for a while. Once the roots are purified from the sand, you will need to cut off part of festered.

It is important not to pour a full pot of begonias land for the transplant. It is best to wait until the roots are completely dry, and then add a little earth. The plant, which recently transplanted, often need to be watered. Also, do not put begonia immediately in the sun. Remember now for awhile you need a hard look after Begonia. Typically, the healing time for a new dwelling is about 1 month.

Air humidity

Begonia because of its origin likes high humidity, but the spray is not recommended. This is due to the fact that, falling on the leaves, the water provokes the appearance of brown spots. To plant not muchilos from excessive dryness of the air, it is necessary to place the plant on the inverted pallet, and after the whole structure must be placed in another larger tray. The circumference of the need to pour a concrete block, which periodically need to moisten. Vaporized, the water will be needed to maintain the moisture balance of begonias.


In the hot summer days begonia need very abundant watering, but avoid stagnation of water in the pan, and even more in the pot. Watering should supernatant water when 1-1.5 cm of soil has dried up since the last watering. In winter, reduce watering. Pay special attention to types of tubers: in the winter they hibernate, so they should be placed in peat and completely eliminate the watering.


Begin to feed begonia needed 1 every 2 weeks after flowering. Fertilizers with nitrogen should be used only for deciduous varieties, as they inhibit flowering, however, improve the growth of leaves.

Kalanchoe - one of the few plants that includes just two major functions - decorative and medicinal. This thick-flower has come to us from the warm countries: Madagascar. Despite this rather unpretentious kalanchoe houseplant that can be grown easily in the home, knowing a few pravil.Pri proper care Kalanchoe beautiful green blossom bright pink flowers, but the flowering period of the plant at the not so prodolzhitelnyy.Nesmotrya out Kalanchoe that came to us from the warm tropical countries, this plant does not tolerate excess moisture. If the soil is too wet constantly, it primarily affects the roots: it begins the process of decay, so to watering should be taken seriously.

In spring and summer watering the plants will be held as follows:
Kalanchoe watered with cold water (preferably hold a glass jar, constantly filling her watering is better to carry out the old water). Watering so that in any case the water does not touch the stem, when it gets wet, do not absorb it possible that the process will start rotting. Watering should be moderate, so that the soil would be sufficient moist but not wet, the water should not flow. If you accidentally poured more water than you need, then immediately release the tray from the excess fluid. Remember that it is much better to Kalanchoe would receive less water than more: the plant copes very well with the lack of water for two or three dney.Osenyu kalanchoe and winter should be watered two times less than in the warmer months. In no case do not leave the water in the pan (preferably even, that it was completely dry). The plant does not tolerate the cold, but from the presence of even a couple of drops may just freeze and begin to rot. Watering must of necessity: Wait until the soil is completely dry, and you can safely add water. Make sure that the water temperature would be equal to room temperature. Otherwise, the plant will be watered every stress.

Requirements for light

Kalanchoe - one of those plants, which are constantly in need of sunlight, but there are a few features of the lighting of the pot. From morning till two or three o'clock in the afternoon to keep the Kalanchoe can on the windowsill or any other place with abundant sunlight to flower. However, after dinner Kalanchoe should be closed or moved into the shadow, creating a feeling of the night. If you can not keep changing the location of the flower, the problem can be solved with a light shawl, which you cover the pot. In the hours after lunch Kalanchoe does not perceive the sun's rays, they are likely to spoil the leaves of the plant.

In the winter, or on days when the sun comes out, the plant can not endure, permanently leaving on a windowsill.

Temperature conditions

Similarly as in the case of water temperature mode can be said that less is more. Kalanchoe feels most comfortable at 17-19 degrees, but if the room temperature drops to 5-6 degrees with the plant did not happen. But when too much heat Kalanchoe feels bad, it begins to absorb too much fluid, but absorb much the plant can not, so you may experience a variety of diseases.

Air humidity

Kalanchoe can not be kept in rooms with high humidity. As we said earlier, the flower does not love a surplus of water, and this applies not only to soil, but also the air. The reason is that the moisture in the air is also fed into the plant, creating an overabundance of fluid accumulated in the stem, rather than in the root system. The consequence may develop fungus, mold, etc.

Try to keep the air was as dry land, especially in autumn and winter.

Fertilizer dressing

Kalanchoe is not very fond of different fertilizers. As well as the issue of the soil, the plant quite unpretentious, but if you begin to notice that the flowers do not have enough minerals, select sukkulentarnye fertilizer. In winter, fertilize the soil in any case impossible.

During this period, even if the Kalanchoe will begin to fade (except for diseases), do not overload the root system of various additives. The best time to feed - this is the end of spring, in an extreme case - the middle of summer. Fertilizers should be given two times less than that indicated on the package - believe me, and this amount is more than enough for your home doctor.

среда, 27 мая 2015 г.

Kalanchoes are characterized by opening their flowers by growing new cells on the inner surface of the petals to force them outwards, and on the outside of the petals to close them.In traditional medicine, Kalanchoe species have been used to treat ailments such as infections, rheumatism and inflammation. Kalanchoe extracts also have immunosuppressive effects. Kalanchoe pinnata has been recorded in Trinidad and Tobago as being used as a traditional treatment for hypertension.A variety of bufadienolide compounds have been isolated from various Kalanchoe species. Five different bufadienolides have been isolated from Kalanchoe daigremontiana. Two of these, daigremontianin and bersaldegenin 1,3,5-orthoacetate, have been shown to have a pronounced sedative effect. They also have the strong positive inotropic effect associated with cardiac glycosides, and with greater doses an increasing effect on the central nervous system.
Kalanchoe also written Kalanchöe or Kalanchoë, is a genus of about 125 species of tropical, succulent flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae, mainly native to the Old World. Only one species of this genus originates from the Americas, 56 from southern & eastern Africa and 60 species in Madagascar. It is also found in south-eastern Asia until China.Most are shrubs or perennial herbaceous plants, but a few are annual or biennial. The largest, Kalanchoe beharensis from Madagascar, can reach 6 m (20 ft) tall, but most species are less than 1 m (3 ft) tall.

The genus was first described by the botanist Michel Adanson in 1763. Adanson cited Camellus as his source for the name.the name came from the Chinese name "Kalanchauhuy".
Kamel's species was most likely Kalanchoe ceratophylla as he describes the plant as having deeply divided leaves.In common with other Crassulaceae (such as the genera Tylecodon, Cotyledon and Adromischus), some Kalanchoe species contain bufadienolide cardiac glycosides which can cause cardiac poisoning, particularly in grazing animals. This is a particular problem in the native range of many Kalanchoe species in the Karoo region of South Africa, where the resulting animal disease is known as krimpsiekte (shrinking disease) or as cotyledonosis. Similar poisonings have also occurred in Australia. Kalanchoe ceratophylla is called  (apparently 'Buddhist temple herb') in China, not very close in pronunciation: qiélán cài or jia lan cai depending on the romanisation (but the Cantonese 'gaa laam choi' may be closer). The genus Bryophyllum was described by Salisbury in 1806 and the genus Kitchingia was created by Baker in 1881. Kitchingia is now regarded as a synonym for Kalanchoe, whereas some botanists treat Bryophyllum as a separate genus.

Bufadienolide compounds isolated from Kalanchoe pinnata include bryophillin A which showed strong anti-tumor promoting activity, and bersaldegenin-3-acetate and bryophillin C which were less active. Bryophillin C also showed insecticidal properties.These plants are cultivated as ornamental houseplants and rock or succulent garden plants.They are popular because of their ease of propagation, low water requirements, and wide variety of flower colors typically borne in clusters well above the phylloclades. The section Bryophyllum - formerly an independent genus - contains species such as the "Air-plant" Kalanchoe pinnata. In these plants, new individuals develop vegetatively as plantlets, also known as bulbils or gemmae, at indentations in phylloclade margins. These young plants eventually drop off and take root. No males have been found of one species of this genus which does flower and produce seeds, and it is commonly called, the Mother of Thousands; the Kalanchoe daigremontiana is thus an example of asexual reproduction. These plants are the food plant of the caterpillars of Red Pierrot butterfly. The butterfly lays its eggs on phylloclades, and after hatching, caterpillars burrow into phylloclades and eat their inside cells. This plant is known to the Chinese as "thousands and millions of red and purple" , and is commonly purchased during the Chinese New Year for decorative purposes.