четверг, 23 июня 2016 г.

The most unpretentious flower garden

Beautiful and well-kept garden requires considerable labor and time. Many recognize that a change of activity is beneficial, but most of us come out of the city to just relax surrounded by family and friends. Beautiful flower gardens in this case - it's just a nice addition to the holiday. Therefore, we choose unpretentious flowers for the garden, to grow that do not require significant efforts. But this does not mean that hardy plants less attractive or bloom is not as abundant. Among the lowly cultures can choose the ones that will serve as a real decoration of the garden, and will not demand greater attention.
How to elevate your garden? Plants that do not require special care, very much. First of all we shall understand which ones we need. So, to the garden makes a good impression, you need to decide on priority measures for its beautification.
To achieve the desired effect can be using: hedges. Ornamental shrubs can be divided land into separate areas. For this purpose, better to choose plants that can be a long time without shearing. It is important that the climatic conditions in your area correspond to those to which the shrub used. Lawn special form. Common grass lawn requires care especially at first, when the weeds are still trying to win your living space. Much easier to use or Moorish lawn with the inclusion of white clover. This garden decoration does not need frequent mowing and looks great. Vertical gardening. Many rashly allowed on their plots hops. It really undemanding plant that is able to braid large enough space in the short term. But the spread of hops is very difficult to control. This plant-aggressor can bring more harm than good. If any vertical surface in need of landscaping, then for this purpose is better to use a girl's grapes. Tsvetnikov. Flower-beds, ridges, mixborders and other types of flower beds adorn any garden. To bed blooming as long as possible, necessary undemanding perennials, which form the basis of a flower bed. Annuals Seed type allow every year to give flower garden a new and fresh look. For the most impatient fans flowers primroses must be provided, including a truly whimsical plants are not so much. Pleasant garden variety in flora make all flowering shrubs. They can be decorated and beds. Drop them as single plants, and smaller groups.